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Reportedly, there are over $10 Billion U.S. in coins currently gathering dust as spare change in piggy banks and old cookie tins in homes all across America.
Gathering dust…
$10 Billion…
Gathering dust…
Yet, imagine for a moment what your spare change could do?
Micah to Mommy, “What can this quarter do for the children in Ethiopia?”
Mommy to Micah, “It can provide two nutritious meals to fill their tummies for an entire day.”
“What about this dime?”
“That’s just about enough for one meal.”
From this conversation, our 5-year-old son inspired us to think about the spare change we had laying around and what an impact that random quarter and dime could have if only we allowed it to.
So we went on a hunt for spare change and this is what we found:
• $0.74 in Mommy & Daddy’s “key/sunglasses/wallet” baskets
• $2.70 in Daddy’s car
• $5.22 in Mommy’s minivan
• $6.15 in Mommy’s wallet (and the bottom of her purse)
• $28.16 in the coin jar
• PLUS $6.25 from returning 125 soda pop cans (5 cans = 1 child fed for a day!)
$49.22 in coins (and cans) gathering dust…
As we continue to raise money for the Adami Tulu School project in Ethiopia, we realize that many families with today’s economy go from paycheck to paycheck somehow making it through the month with nothing left to show for by the end of each month. However, somehow we always seem to have a bit of spare change that we have collected over the weeks that sits idly in our vehicles or on our dresser or slips through the couch cushions.
So, we have come up with a fund-raising strategy that we would like to share with you...
We are calling it:
Spare C H A N G E Children’s Lives Forever
We are proposing that you collect and save your spare change over the next 30 days, pray about what options you have, and do something with it.
Consider these 3 options:
1.) Use it for yourself.
2.) Give to someone you know directly that really needs it.
3.) Give to the Adami Tulu School Project.
As we were pondering over this idea, God put into our hearts and minds the lesson of The Widow's Offering from Mark 12:41-44.
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."
It reminded us that no matter where we are at in life, even if we don't have much, God still wants us to give from what He has given us.
Want to have a little more fun with this? How about a contest? At the end of March, the individual or family who has contributed the most (1) pennies, (2) nickels, (3) dimes, (4) quarters and (5) coins overall, will receive a prize! Winners for most pennies and nickels will receive a yummy "Hope Takes Root" white chocolate bar. Winners for most dimes and quarters will receive an awesome "Hope Takes Root" T-shirt. And for biggest donation overall... both chocolate and a T-shirt!
So start collecting, counting, and tallying your total... donate and then leave a comment with your totals!
If at the end of the 30 days (or SOONER!!) you would like to give to the Adami Tulu School project, there are a couple options to do so. One option is to mail a check made payable to Lifesong Adami Tulu Fund, PO Box 40, 202 N. Ford, Gridley, Illinois 61744. Please write: “Team Reece-Williams” in the memo field. The second option is to deposit your change and give online through our secure donation page through LifeSong. You can donate on-line via PayPal at using your credit card.
And THAT is other exciting news! Our travel companions from our first court trip to Ethiopia have joined hands with us to raise funds towards our goal! Ryan & Cassie we feel so blessed to have you on board!
For more information on Lifesong for Orphans:
“How blessed is he who considers the helpless…” Psalm 41:1