
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Off we go!!!

The jumping (dancing, prancing, spinning around til we can hardly stand) for joy continues!!! We just found out that we have to be in Ethiopia in 2 weeks!!!! No way! :)

So, for those of you who responded saying that you would pray for the paperwork backup to be cleared... it worked! Ahhhh!!!!! Crazy! God is so good! He is answering our hearts desires that we have our little one in our arms before she turns 6 months old! She will turn six months on the day we'll return from Ethiopia! Ahhh!!! Did I just write that??? God is SOOOOO faithful!

Our updates will indeed be less frequent as we are now in full-throttle packing mode! Praise the Lord!!!!


  1. So happy for you guys once again. It is nice to see things moving. We brought Aiden home on the day he turned 5 months, it is such a blessing to get them so young. Have a wonderful time in Ethiopia picking up your daughter. Can't wait to see her picture!

  2. We will be following you adventure with much interest. Travel mercies and sweet blessings to you all.
    Your HOLT friends,
    Christa & Lynn
